Home made ice cream takes some time to prepare but it is well worth it. Not only can you use much less sugar than store brands, you can also add your favourite seasonal flavours once you are familiar with the process. The MIA Vanilla Chocolate Chip Ice Cream recipe contains 1/3 the sugar recommended for a standard ice cream. This healthier recipe allows the natural sweetness of the cream to come through and gives the other flavours room to shine.
Makes 4-6 servings:
◆ 4 egg yolks
◆ 250 ml milk
◆ 250 ml cream
◆ 50 g sugar
◆ 1 vanilla pod
◆ 75g MIA chocolate
1) Heat milk in a pot until just below boiling 2) Steep vanilla pod in milk for 20 min
3) In a bowl , mix egg yolks and sugar until they become as thick as a sauce
4) Remove vanilla pod, cut it lengthwise and scrape seeds into the milk
5) Add the milk to the egg yolk mixture and heat slowly (do not boil) until it thickens into a custard
6) Let the custard cool and then stir in the cream
7) Leave the mixture overnight in the fridge (also freeze your ice cream machine tub)
8) Cut chocolate into small chips
9) Combine the chocolate chips and ice cream mixture in an ice cream machine and churn until thick
10) Freeze and enjoy!