
MIA chocolate has launched a multi-faceted tree planting programme in Madagascar to offset sea freight carbon emissions, rebuild lemur habitats and provide local populations with forest fruits. The new programme, called MIA Green, will be implemented under the brand’s impact fund, 1 for Change.

MIA Co-founder Sarah Beach explains: “Thanks to millions of years in isolation from mainland Africa, Madagascar is home to numerous endemic plant and animal species. In fact, the island nation is home to 15% of the world’s species with around 80% of flora and fauna in the country existing nowhere else in the world! We couldn’t find a more urgent setting for the MIA Green initiative, a way for the brand to help repair Madagascar’s forests while offsetting carbon emissions.”  


The MIA Green tree planting programme will involve reforestation of over sixty different species that recreate the diversity of the national park forest in the Andasibe-Mantadia area that occupies the central-eastern side of the world’s fourth largest island. MIA has partnered with UK charity Money for Madagascar to implement the programme.

Money for Madagascar Director Irenée Rajaona-Horne: “Madagascar’s forests are a gift to the planet but natural resource pressures result in an annual loss of about 400,000 Ha, or nearly 1% of the nation’s forests! Through partnerships with MIA and other contributors, we aim to plant 200,000 trees across 2,000 Ha to join up isolated pockets of forest that will renew sources of food for endemic lemurs and give them more mobility.

The tree planting programme is also connected to forest-friendly sustainable livelihood activities because we recognise that people must be at the centre of long-term environmental solutions. We have education programmes for school children and the local population is incentivised to protect the forests which can also be a food source thanks to the inclusion of fruit trees in the programme.”

Part of a growing number of companies that puts people and planet on par with profit, MIA has made a commitment to support its MIA Green initiative indefinitely.

Co-founder Brett Beach reflects: “Our brand commitment is to make amazing flavours that do good, and our 1 for Change impact fund gives us the opportunity to make a positive impact beyond our supply chain. People in Madagascar depend on forests for survival and we know that the environment is important to conscious consumers, so we’re really pleased we can launch MIA Green with Money for Madagascar.”

The initial contribution from MIA will fund sixty trees and the brand will continue to support the effort annually as part of its 1 for Change programme which is funded by 1% of company sales.


Related info: BBC documentary on Earth’s Tropical Islands. The first episode is dedicated to Madagascar with a call to protect lemurs from extinction: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/m000cs07/earths-tropical-islands

For more information on Money for Madagascar, visit www.moneyformadagascar.org

The MIA Story

Set up by a group of foodies with a shared passion for the African continent, its people, wildlife and natural ingredients, MIA, short for Made In Africa, is different for its ability to deliver delicious tasting and beautiful products that are entirely crafted in Africa.

The entire bean-to-bar chocolate making process – including the roasting, shelling, grinding, tempering and even packaging – takes place under one roof in Madagascar to utilise the freshest and best ingredients. By doing this, MIA also brings three more benefit to local communities in Africa (vs. export of cocoa).

The MIA brand is partnered with Proudly Made in Africa (PMIA) to ensure that products aren’t just made on the African continent but are ethically produced with as many locally sourced ingredients and materials as possible. The MIA supply chain is audited according to the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code.

MIA is committed to a 1 for Change programme which ensures that 1% of all MIA sales are dedicated to development projects in places where a little goes a long way. Whether it’s projects to help save local endangered species or to improve a community’s livelihoods, the program is central to the brand’s philosophy.