First ‘1 for Change’ Project Completed in Madagascar


We’re delighted to announce that our first major 1 for Change project called ‘Hungry Young Minds’ has come to fruition after the launch of a new school kitchen at the Mahitsy Primary School in Madagascar.

Our pioneering joint venture with Money for Madagascar was aligned with an Education for Life programme to tackle the root causes of poor educational access and attainment on the island.


MIA provided 33% of the funding required for the ‘Hungry Young Minds’ project via our 1 for Change programme, which sees 1% of all sales donated to development projects in Africa.     

For many students at the Mahitsy school and the other rural state primary schools in Madagascar, extreme hunger is prevalent and is a key factor in children not being able to attend school or concentrate even if they do make it to class. 

This project at the Mahitsy School will help to resolve this issue by providing hygienic, nutritious school meals, which will reduce hunger and malnutrition and help children to concentrate in class.

The new kitchen is equipped with a fuel-efficient stove, a closed water tank with a tap that can be filled from the water pump and secure storage cupboards for cooking equipment and food stocks.

Irenee Rajaona-Horne from Money for Madagascar said:

“Madagascar continues to be one of the poorest country’s in the world where hunger affects a huge proportion of children.  By being able to provide a meal at school, it’s not only a huge incentive to ensure kids attend but it means they have the fuel to concentrate, grow and develop while in class.  To many, a stove, some secure cupboards and safe worktops aren’t a lot, but to the children, the parents, staff and other volunteers at the school it will make a huge difference. It’s been great working with MIA to get this special project off the ground but I guess thanks has to go to the UK customers who bought the bars as well.”

MIA Co-founder Brett Beach said:

“We’re so excited to see our first 1 for Change project get off and running.  It’s a central part of our business and philosophy and these children will hopefully be the first of many to benefit over the coming years. We’re already seeing what a huge difference the school kitchen is having so a huge thanks to all those people who bought our bars last year.”

About MIA – Amazing Food That Does Good

With 65% of the world’s cocoa coming from Africa but less than 1% of chocolate actually made there, bean-to-bar chocolate company MIA is out to change this shocking status quo.

Set up by a group of foodies with a shared passion for the African continent, its people, wildlife and natural ingredients, MIA, short for Made In Africa, is different for its ability to deliver delicious tasting and beautiful products that are entirely crafted in Africa.

The “fair-made” MIA bars are available in Amazon, Cocoa Runners, BoroughBox and Whole Foods. The range includes a 100% Cocoa, a 75% Dark Chocolate and a variety of inclusion bars in a 65% dark chocolate base: Coconut, Almond & Coconut, Cranberry & Hazelnut, Candied Orange, Hemp & Almond and Baobab & Salted Nibs.

The entire bean-to-bar chocolate making process – including the roasting, shelling, grinding, tempering and even packaging – takes place under one roof in Madagascar to utilise the freshest and best ingredients. 

By doing this, MIA also brings three times more benefit to local communities in Africa (vs. export of raw ingredients). 

The MIA brand is partnered with Proudly Made in Africa (PMIA) to ensure that products aren’t just made on the continent but are produced with as many locally sourced ingredients and materials as possible.

MIA is committed to a 1 for Change programme which ensures that 1% of all MIA sales are dedicated to development projects in places where a little goes a long way. Whether it’s projects to help save local endangered species or to improve a community’s livelihoods, the scheme is central to the brand’s philosophy. 

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