MIA Chocolate Swirl Banana Cake is very low in sugar and achieves a delicately fluffy texture without lots of butter. Besides being a guilt-free snack or treat, this cake is a great way to make delicious use of old bananas.
PREP TIME: 30 min
SERVINGS: approx 8
1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Coat the inner surface of a 24 x 13 cm metal loaf pan (or pan of equal volume) with butter and dust it with flour. Remove the excess flour from the pan by turning it upside down.
2. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie.
3. Mix the bananas and sugar in a bowl, mashing the bananas with a fork until the mixture is smooth. You can leave some small pieces of banana to give the cake more texture. Add the oil and eggs and mix together. Mix in the 90 g (¾ cup) of flour as well as the baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir in the yogurt and vanilla. This is your BANANA BATTER.
4. Stir 1 cup of BANANA BATTER into the melted chocolate. This is your CHOCOLATE BATTER.
5. Fill the baking pan in alternate layers of BANANA BATTER and CHOCOLATE BATTER. Repeat the layers until all batter is used. Then gently swirl the batters together by running a butter knife through them.
6. Bake the cake until it is brown on top and a toothpick can be inserted into in the centre and come out clean (approx 45 minutes).
7. Cool the cake in the pan for 20 minutes. Then turn it out onto a wire rack to finish cooling for another 20 more minutes. Serve warm or cool.